One of the most popular procedures for women is surgery for the breasts. Breast enlargement allows you to optimize your breast size. This can be done with the use of implants and augmentation and the newer technique of breast enhancement (fat transfer) procedure is now available. This is when body fat is taken from `problem` areas such as the tummy and transferred to the breasts. However, this procedure can be more time-consuming than implants. A mastopexy or breast lift reduces sagging, which is a common problem with aging in women. During this procedure implants can also be inserted to increase the size or shape of your breasts or tissue can be removed to reduce your breast size. Breast surgery is also available for men, especially those suffering from gynaecomastia who have been unable to reduce or refine their breast physique through exercise and diet.
The tummy tuck or abdominoplasty procedure usually takes around two hours. Abdominal muscles are repaired, repositioned or tightened and any excess skin is removed. Liposuction is often carried out with a tummy tuck and this allows excess fat to be removed and the body area reshaped. Liposuction can also be carried out on those other `problem` areas such as the hips, thighs and arms, when diet and exercise has failed to tone up these areas.
There are a variety of procedures that are focused on the neck area, which is the part of the body that usually gives our age away. Excess fat on the chin or jaw line can be removed by liposuction, excess sagging skin can be removed and the platysma muscle (which runs from the chin to the chest and helps you make facial expressions) tightened, helping to remove the appearance of a double chin. As there are a number of procedures for the neck it is important to discuss all options with your surgeon.
There are many benefits of surgery including increased self-confidence, being able to choose a wider choice of clothing and a more youthful appearance. As well as the clear benefits there are often a variety of payment options available for procedures. So, The Hospital Group should be the first step on the path of maintaining that beautiful body